Happy 7
th month birthday, Baby
Svea! We love you and thank God for you. Thanks for your willingness to go to your big sister's swim lessons. Thanks for deciding to eat rice cereal. Thanks for happily getting in your
car seat multiple times a day to pick up and drop off
Sonna at preschool and pick up Mara after school and run errands with me. Thanks for sleeping well. Thanks for not minding that I only bathe you once a week. Thanks for smiling at your sisters so they know how much you love them too. Your relationship with your sisters is off to a great start!
Lilly comes over after school on Tuesdays and today we had a tea party using my Easter Egg shaped plates and tea cups. I had planned to have a baby shower for a neighbor this week but since the girls were exposed to RSV we couldn't have any babies here so it was postponed (no RSV so far!). So naturally, we had to enjoy the delicious chocolate cake! The girls chose Sleepy Time Tea to go with their cake. I remember drinking that at bedtime with my mom when I was little. A nice memory.
The girls made the little egg nests at Sunday School last week.