Mara worked diligently to create a special Valentine for each of her classmates and teacher Carol. She enjoys crafts and enjoys practicing writing letters. I think she was quite pleased with her designs.
My sister graciously gifted this blog to me for Mother's Day 2009. She knew that I get tripped up with technology, mainly the getting started part. I am so grateful that she got me started because it turns out that I really enjoy recording little moments of our lives here.
Coming home. It's been literally years since I last posted on here. in
fact, I wasn't sure if I even remembered the name of my webpage, my
password, or any...
working together
I have a lot of ideas. I have a lot of enthusiasm. But I also have a whole
lot of books half written. That's why God had the good wisdom to give me
The Locust Effect
I've been tweeting my heart out, but I wanted to write a few more thoughts
about Gary Haugen's new book *The Locust Effect...
Dreams are so weird sometimes
I have this recurring CIA operative theme in my dreams. A couple of nights
ago I was a CIA operative with Jason Statham and we were trying to navigate
a ma...
These hearts are glorious! A true artist! And her printing is so nice...Aiden. Love, Mara. Beautiful.