At suppertime we usually do a little rhyme "Hey, hey, what do you say? What was your favorite part of the day, Mara?" and after she responds then she'll say the rhyme and ask Sonna, Jedd or myself. Tonight we tried "Highs and Lows" instead. So people share their high point of the day as well as their low point. We were having a popcorn 'picnic' in the middle of the kitchen floor for supper and it was special and spontaneous so that was my high. My low was yelling at/arguing with Mara this morning when she made a BIG, HUGE deal about getting dressed. I'm not proud of it but sometimes Mara can be over the top with her defiance and testing of limits these days. At any rate, Mara's low was that none of her neighborhood friends could play this afternoon. (Either they were sick or not home.) And her high was going to Sunday School and learning about Moses and the burning bush. Then it was Sonna's turn and she said her high was going to the dump. This is hilarious to us. We don't have trash service so we take our trash to the dump and Sonna really enjoys this trip which is usually with Jedd. She likes running errands in general and even at 1 1/2 she would ask if we were "going to town today?". I don't think she had a low but I'm guessing it was that her cold and cough prevented her from going to church today. She cried when Mara's friend Clara came to pick her up for Sunday School but Sonna was left behind. Jedd's high was being home with his family this afternoon and evening and his low was being away from his family since he was hosting a retreat group at camp. Family rituals are so important.
(The girls are pictured here with friend Clara. Clara is a good friend of Mara's from church).
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